I help building industry professionals design and build BIG visions


Effective personal and business LEADERSHIP:

If we aren’t able to lead ourselves effectively, we won’t be effective at running a business successfully.  Personal leadership begins with understanding our own strengths and weaknesses, while spending a majority of our energy in our “Strength-zone”.  We also need to be keenly aware of our core-values, and behaviors that keep us in alignment with those values.   A leader knows where they are going and have a plan of action to get there.

A compelling PURPOSE and a clear VISION:

Why are you in business?  Why do you do what you do?  Money and wealth are among the shallowest of reasons. There are certainly deeper reasons that fuel a person to risk capital and devote endless hours to building a successful business enterprise. Find your deepest “why” and you will not only be successful at what you do, you may not ever “work” again.

Principle-based BUSINESS STRATEGIES and duplicatable SYSTEMS:

A well-designed strategy is like a detailed blueprint. If followed carefully, it will help you successfully build what is envisioned. Every business needs a plan that is current and founded on a Vision, Mission and Purpose.  Incorporated in a successful business plan are proven business strategies and the systems that provide the framework for consistent business practices that address the key areas of: marketing, product development, product delivery, operations, accounting and cash-flow.

Focused and decisive EXECUTION:

Nothing happens until we act. Our actions must be prioritized and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). In many cases, we must take MASSIVE action to launch an initiative to get it off the ground, much like a rocket getting off the launch pad.  Once we take action, we must monitor the results we are getting and make the necessary adjustments along the way.  That is how a jet aircraft reaches it destination runway to a successful landing.


I can help you see what you can’t see and create a vision that inspires you.

Coaching / Consulting is about helping you see what you can’t see, uncovering potential blind-spots. Once there is clarity of vision, supported by a compelling purpose, a coach will help you build what you envision, helping you every step along the way. It’s a collaborative process that will often result in:

  • Clarity of purpose and vision
  • A compelling blueprint to build from
  • Elimination of roadblocks and hinderances
  • A toolbox of successful strategies and business principles
  • A successful business that is purposeful and profitable

With over 15 years as an ICF-certified business coach and over 30 years of serving building industry professionals, I am uniquely qualified to help entrepreneurs and building industry professionals achieve their personal and business objectives. It would be an honor to serve you.  If  you would like to have a conversation with me, simply email me at Rick@Wickizer-Associates and we can set up a 60-minute introductory session. It is my commitment to serve you powerfully during our time together.

Idea Coaching


As your coach, I will ask powerful questions to uncover blind spots and hidden opportunities. Once we have a solid purpose and a clear vision, we then embark on a collaborative process to develop powerful strategies to strengthen your foundational business practices.



I offer live and webinar-based business growth training. Sales, market development, customer service, business development, leadership, and time management are but a few topics I cover. With training your business can flourish!


Mastermind Groups

A well-organized and facilitated mastermind group unleashes breakthrough ideas and invites levels of synergistic collaboration.  Our masterminds are limited to 5-10 individuals and are structured to help building industry professionals embrace “best practices” and help group members overcome individual challenges.